Optical Equipment - LTEQ MICROWAVE

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Optical Equipment

Optical Components
Coupler Workstations and More
Workstations using pure hydrogen gas from a tabletop generator, tank supply, or oxygen, can achieve high enough temperatures to develop Fused Biconic Tapered devices, Power Combiners, Wavelength Division Multiplexers, Thermal Core Expansion devices, and many other products.
Ideal for production or R&D, the Lightel CW-7000 series workstation is a very useful tool to aid in the development and manufacturing of fiber bundle tapering and fiber laser pump combiner manufacturing.
The CW-200B has proven to be well-suited for the mass production of Fused Biconic Taper products. Its small footprint allows for efficient use of space, and years of low-maintenance use have made it a popular manufacturing solution.

Lightel's CW-5000 workstation is designed to fabricate a wide range of fused fiber optic products, including biconical tapered fused couplers, single fiber tapering, and fiber processing.

Designed to minimize bench space and maximize utility, the FiberForge is a useful platform for research activities, new product development, and the manufacturing of both standard and novel fiber components.
The GPST-1100 is a gliding-plasma based fiber coating stripper that functions with a variety of fiber coatings, including polyimide, hard polymer, silicon, acrylate, metal, and more.
The LTL-H2-500-2 is a high-purity hydrogen gas generator designed for gas chromatography and other applications. It has been widely used with our fiber fusion workstations to produce fused coupler products with high quality and reliability.
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