LOR-200 OTDR Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers
Instrumentations & Systemes
Wherever the performance of a conventional OTDR is not sufficient, the
provides the required high resolution, short dead-zones an high dynamic range:
- Telecom
- Components
- Fiber assemblies
- IL/ORL testing
- Fiber manufacturing
- And many more
Contact LTEQ MICROWAVE with your requirements and let us find together the customized solution to your fiber optic measurement problem.
The LOR-200 is a family of fully portable stand-alone OTDRs. The instrument is integrated in a Windows XP based PC-platform with touchscreen interface.
The LOR-200 is based on Luciol’s novel scanning photon-counting technology (US patent #7,593,098). It achieves a superior dynamic range, and allows high resolution fiber characterization up to a total distance range of 160 km.
- Lightweight stand-alone OTDR
- Windows 7 based touchscreen user interface
- 2 ns to 1000 ns optical pulse-width
- High dynamic range for loss and reflectance measurements
- Distance range up to 160 km
- Singlemode and multimode versions available
- Wide range of wavelength options (400-1650 nm)
- PON/FTTx applications optimized models
- Extra options: VFL, OPM, fiber-microscope
The LOR-200 is optimized for telecom wavelengths, typically from 1000 nm to 1650 nm. It has industry-leading resolution and dead-zones. The optical pulse width is variable from 2 ns to 1 µs. A large variety of wavelength options are available, up to 4 different emitters can be integrated in a single module. The fiber options include single-mode and multi-mode versions.
In addition, a model designed for FTTx applications is available. This version allows in service testing of passive optical networks (PON) and can easily see through optical splitters. All necessary filter elements, including Raman-backscattering filters are included in this OTDR.
Benefit from the LOR-200’s high resolution for your FTTx/PON application for precise fault location and ONT detection.
Download LOR-200 datasheet
Download LOR-200 PON application note
for more information : please contact us