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Passive Components > Cable > Test Cable Assembly

Durable Test Cable Assemblies

Test cable is meant to be accurate and stable. But sometimes, just accurate and stable is far from enough. For field test, you may need it to adapt to continuous movement, flexing, and exposure to complicate environment; for mass production test, there will be frequently mate/unmated; and in both occasions, you would like the cable to sustain as long as possible. Duraline Test Cable is born for that.
It features high performance, cost-effective and durability all-in-one. Specially, it with good phase stability, extraordinary shielding and long service life.
As the king of cost performance, Focusimple also utilized the industry’s most advanced design for the Duraline precise N connectors. Top materials like BeCu center conductor with gold plating, stainless stell shell and high-strength PEI insulator are all integrated in this small part.

- Good bending phase stability
- Long-term work life
- Tri-shielding construction
- Cost-Effective
- High-strength
- Off-the-shelf product, short delivery

Typical Applications:
- Mass production Test
- OEM Port Test Line
- RF Test Platform
- Lab and R&D Test
- Operation Site Test
- Environmental Test Chamber
- Field Test

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